Welcome to
Berkshire FHS
Helping family historians trace their ancestors
and build their family stories, since 1975 
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Berkshire FHS
Over twelve events per month, probably the largest events
programme of any UK FHS
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Berkshire FHS
Freely accesible resources for the public, and
premium content for members - including our
events catch-up video service
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Berkshire FHS
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Berkshire FHS
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Berkshire FHS
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50th Garland

In 2025, Berkshire Family History Society celebrates its 50th birthday.

Over the course of this year, we will be celebrating this milestone in a number of ways, the most important of which is a celebratory conference on:

Saturday 7th June

It’s our first conference since 2014, so we are aiming to make it a very special experience. We hope to be able to welcome as many of you as possible. 

50th Garland

Founded in 1975, Berkshire Family History Society is for everyone researching their ancestry across the UK and overseas – as well as those looking for former relatives in historic Berkshire

A registered charity, we exist to help you in your research … WHEREVER your ancestors are from. You do not need to be a member to benefit from our public resources but we have many exclusive member benefits

Our programme of talks, walks and courses is the largest of any family history society in the UK and our family tree facility – YourTrees – enables you to display your research online at no extra cost than the society membership fee, which is £20/year

Talks - Walks - Workshops - Courses - Meetings

With over twelve events per MONTH, our events programme is probably the largest of any family history society in the UK!

A mix of In-person or Zoom meetings

Most are open to the public

Join now to get access to the full programme and our video catch-up service


Around 1,200 genealogy related products – Books, Maps, Photos, CDs, Data Downloads to help you with your research – we’ve provided a few recommendations for you below

For anything else, the quickest way to find what you need is to use the search box below or in the top menu on every page of the site.  Happy hunting!


Member discount

Members are entitled to a 10% discount on over 900 products published by the Society - Login to reveal the current coupon code

Recommended Products

Info and resources for members and guests