

It great to see you want to continue to enjoy the benefits of your membership.

We've made the process as simple as we can but there's a bunch of legal stuff we have to ask you to repeat - data privacy - contact details - contact permissions - payment card approvals ya di ya di ya da.

Fortunately, you only have to do this once a year!

1: Log in

To renew, you must be logged in, If you see boxes for username and password immediately below this section, you need to log in. If the boxes aren't visible, you're already logged in and can proceed. If you have problems logging in there's a help section below

Login Help

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2: A Request

Every year, your generosity helps us achieve more and to extend our active reach all over the world 

A significant number of members add a donation to their membership fee.  If you would like to do this, we've made it a simple a one-click option

Thank you!

3. About Payment

You can pay by debit or credit card - Mastercard or Visa are preferred. Please avoid Amex if you can - it costs us a lot more in charges

You can also renew by redeeming a gift certificate

Please note: You can no longer pay your membership by Standing Order

More info about payment methods

Making Payment

You can make your payment in a variety of way. In order of convenience for you and us, here they are

1. By Card

Payment by credit/debit card is our preferred method. It is by far the quickest way - your renewal will be processed immediately and automatically with no need for human intervention, ensuring your access to member-only content and The Historian is uninterrupted. These days it also cheaper for us than payment by cheque, due to bank charges

Please note we do NOT store any of your card details on our site

2: By Cheque

We prefer card payment because cheques require a lot of manual processing and the says the bank charges a lot more to clear a cheque than to process a card payment. Please only pay by cheque if you cannot pay by card.

To pay by cheque you will need to:

  • download and print a renewal form
  • complete the form
  • send the form and cheque to our Membership Secretary

Please be careful to follow the instructions on both sides of the renewal form and remember to sign your cheque!

Cheques must be issued from a UK bank account.

3: By Phone

If you want to pay by card but have concerns about doing it online yourself, call the Centre on 0118 950 9553 and leave your name and telephone number. One of our volunteers will call you back to take a card payment over the phone.

Available to UK members only. No card details are retained by us

4: In Person

When the Centre is open you can pay in person by card, cheque or cash.


If you have a standing order in place, please instruct your bank to cancel it. We cannot do this for you - your bank will not accept instructions from us.

Any payment received by standing order will be treated as a donation to the society and will not confer any membership rights.

4: Gift Aid (UK Taxpayers Only)

Increase the value of your membership fee by 25% - help us reclaim payments from the taxman at no cost to you!

(Insert Formatinator Shortcode when the Form is redone - it's an update of the Member Profile form, renamed to Gift Aid so that the submission all go to the same place)

5: OK, it's time to pay!

Select a membership type to begin the online payment process