Submit a tree
Please note:
We are investigating an issue with the TreeFix and Missing Citations reports. Until we resolve it we won’t be able to send you the results for your tree.
We’ll keep a note of your submission and send you the report as soon as we are able.
This issue does not stop us from uploading your GEDCOM file to YourTrees, so there’s no need for you to wait. Please submit in the normal way
Send us your GEDCOM files
The more of us that submit our GEDCOMs, the more content there will be for everyone to enjoy – to collaborate – to enrich
So, please go ahead and submit your files!
Prepare the GEDCOM file(s) (Recap)
To make sure your tree is ready for publication you need to carry out some essential preparation steps. We describe these in detail in our Guide to submitting a GEDCOM but here’s a condensed version
- Privacy of living people
- The first way to achieve this is to exclude them. If this means you need to start several generations back and generate a GEDCOM file for each branch, that’s fine. You can submit as many trees as you need.
- Others prefer to have one tree. In that case please make sure that every living person has a birth date, even if it is only the year.
- Private people – make sure they are tagged as “Private” in your family tree app
- Date format
- Use GEDCOM format DD MON YYYY e.g. 01 JAN 1999 (you can omit the leading zero if you want (but we recommend to include it) and express the month name as Jan)
- The GEDCOM qualifiers are allowed, e.g. Bef (Before), Aft (After) etc
- British registration quarters Q1, 2, 3, 4 should be expressed as e.g. Bet 1 Jan 1999 and 31 Mar 1999, to ensure that date calculations such as a person’s life span work.
- Any other entries in the date field should be removed e.g. time of birth should be in a sperate note NOT in the date field
- Address formatting
- In the interests of collaboration with a global audience:
- addresses should be given in full with no abbreviations and should include the country name.
- postcodes can be omitted
- address segments should be separated with commas
- so instead of “1 High St Rdng” use “1 High Street, Reading, Berkshire, England”
- Note: Our import processing will convert all Chapman codes to their full versions
- In the interests of collaboration with a global audience:
Generating GEDCOM files in popular programs
If there’s a desktop program we haven’t mentioned below, please let us know and we’ll do our best to add it. Email
When you export/download a GEDCOM file you are taking a snapshot copy of your family tree at a point in time. Your original file is unaffected and remains in place for you to continue to work on. Don’t forget to send us an update from time-to-time
To see a quick video of this process, click here
1 – 4 are self explanatory
5. Make sure you select Strict GEDCOM (5.5.1) because this is the best format to import to YourTrees
6. Select Add all (recommended) or select individuals
Warning! Family Historian has no explicit way to flag or suppress Living individuals. You must therefore ensure that their birth and death dates are in GEDCOM format so that YourTrees can flag them correctly during import.
7. Uncheck this field
8. Uncheck this field
9. Exclude media records. YourTrees does not support media, yet.
10. Press OK to save the GEDCOM file
You cannot download a GEDCOM file directly from FamilySearch. You have to sync FamilySearch with Rootsmagic and download it from there (see Rootsmagic entry below.)
1 – 2 are self explanatory and are followwed by a pop-up box where you give a name to the GEDCOM file
3. This is where you set the export options. Family Tree Builder has few options.
4. If your living people do not have birth dates in GEDCOM format, these are failsafe options to prevent the inclusion of living people in the GEDCOM. If you have birth dates in GEDCOM format, our system will mask living people. The choice is yours
There are some important steps to consider – see notes below
- Our system automatically privatizes living people using a 110 year rule but this is dependent on the birth and death dates in your file conforming to the GEDCOM format. If you are not certain they do, this is a good option to use
- Your choice
- Your choice
- Media files are not supported yet so please don’t include media links
- See 4
- It is not necessary to password protect your file. You will upload it directly to our secure server. You only need a password if you’re sending it by email, which you’re not
To see a quick video of this process, click here
1- 4 are all straightforward and there appear to be no privacy options
Legacy has one of the most comprehensive GEDCOM download processes
1 & 2 are straightforward
3. Select the option for GEDCOM 5.5.1 only
4. Select UTF-8 as the character set
5. Check these options to carry over any formatted notes
6. Select all records (recommended) or select individuals
7. Select the Privacy Options – Legacy has lots!
- If birth and death dates are in GEDCOM format, our system will automatically suppress details of living people
- But you have many options you can use to make sure that living people are not exposed. They are well explained by Legacy so there is no need for further explanation here
8. Press save to generate the file
1 -3 are straightforward
4. Make sure you choose the GEDCOM 5.5.1 option
5. Exclude Multimedia because YourTrees does not support that, yet
6. Include formatting with the Notes text
7. You could allow YourTrees to suppress the details of living people, if your dates are GEDCOM compliant. If not, select this option
8. Select this option if you have marked any records as private
9. Press to create the GEDCOM file
MyHeritage provide a full set of instructions in their FAQ
1 – 4 are self explanatory
5. If birth and death dates follow the GEDCOM format then you can leave the filtering of living people to YourTrees. If they are not or you have any concerns about privacy you should choose this option.
6. Media is not yet supported in YourTrees so please choose this option
7. GEDCOM 5.5.1 is the required format
8. UTF-8 is the required character set
9. Press to create the GEDCOM export
1-2. File > Export will open the dialogue box
3. You can choose the default option of Everyone or choose individuals
4. Uncheck this box – unless you are submitting media
5. Uncheck this box because you are not sending the file to another Rootsmagic installation
6. Check this box but at 7, choose Full name. YourTrees will apply it’s own rules regarding suppression of data. Do the birth and death dates in your file conform to the GEDCOM standard?
If the form is not visible please refresh your screen using Ctrl + F5 (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + R (Mac)
Yourlastname_memb#.ged e.g. Smith_1234.ged
If you have or are submitting multiple trees, add _1, _2, _3 etc e.g. Smith_1234_1.ged
A Digital Legacy