Member Directory Privacy Essentials
The data contained in this member directory is confidential and protected by privacy laws. Always treat it with the respect you would wish to be given to your own personal information.
- Never share it with any 3rd party.
- Within the society, it’s issued on a Need to know basis. (As a guide, if a volunteer doesn’t have access to this page, they are not entitled to have access to the data.)
- When they are available, downloads must be kept to an absolute minimum. Treat them as temporary data sets and ensure that they are always securely deleted as soon as the task in hand is completed
- The data is realtime, sourced from the central membership system. It is the definitive membership record
- YOU MAY USE AN EMAIL ADDRESS TO CONTACT A SINGLE MEMBER BUT YOU MUST NOT SEND MAILSHOTS TO THEM BECAUSE OF GDPR – WE HAVE MAILCHIMP FOR THAT. MailChimp is dynamically update by the same process that updates this page email addresses
These members don’t have or haven’t shared an email address with us. Every member record requires a unique email so they’re allocated a dummy address (nnnn is their Memb#).
Only those where a second member is specified
Note all of these are included in the all members list above.
This list is primarily to give us a total number of accounts that have a second member.
Thus, the total number of members is the sum of these two directories
[DynamicUserDirectory name=”Secon membes”]
Overseas members
Note all of these are included in the all members list above.
[DynamicUserDirectory name=”overseas-members”]