Nt Teacup (3)

The cup that cheers : tea before Victoria

We are all familiar with the concept of afternoon tea, developed during the reign of Queen Victoria.  This talk describes the social and legal changes  that had to take place in the 17th and 18th century before tea achieved its role as Britain’s national drink.

This talk is free to members of Berkshire Family History Society and we request a donation of £5 from non-members.
Branch library available to members to borrow books.  Refreshments available.  Car park outside the hall.


Fri 17 Nov 2023


Doors open at 2.15pm for start of meeting at 2.45pm
14:15 - 16:30


Bracknell Branch
Bracknell Branch
The New Priestwood Community Centre, Priestwood Court Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 1TU


Bracknell Branch - Berkshire FHS


  • Joy Pibworth
    Joy Pibworth

    Joy has always been fascinated by history and is particularly interested in the history of the towns and villages of the former North Berkshire (now the Vale of the White Horse) and the history of Reading pre 1837. She is a long-standing member of several local history societies. Joy has been a Janeite (Jane Austen fan) since her school days and is particularly interested in the life and times of Jane and her immediate family.