Author: Penny Stokes
December 2013
Help save a vanishing resource; rector with a shotgun; strife among the biscuits; why would they have lied?; fancy a coat of arms?
September 2013
The church and the classroom; treasures in the vestry; mystery photos; Irish geography; death on the line
June 2013
Misty memorials; Catholic against the odds; the long arm of the Chancellor; baronet in the pulpit
December 2012
Where else (other than Newbury) would you build a lifeboat?; careful camerawork; grannies in action
September 2012
Parish morals (and who told the archdeacon); dirty deeds in the Lambourn valley; did your Berkshire ancestor leave a will? send your research up
June 2012
Celebrations at the BRO; Museum of English Rural Life; treasure in naval archives; Radley History Club; mistakes on MIs; Shottesbrooke Park; Fulwar Craven Fowle