Wallingford Poor Law Union
A map of the Royal County of Berkshire Poor Law Unions which you can swipe left or right to zoom into the Wallingdord Union
A map of the Royal County of Berkshire Poor Law Unions which you can swipe left or right to zoom into the Wallingdord Union
Windsor Union is formed from the parishes of Clewer, Dedworth, New Windsor, Old Windsor and Sunninghill. (swipe image left and right to show/hide map close-up) Featured Places
Binfield Parish Council - The Early Days. John Harman takes a look at the early days of local government following the Reform Act of 1832 & 1894 Local Government Act
A Remarkable Lady. Jackie Blow sheds a light on a little known pioneer - Louisa Rowe (neé Parsons) born in Sidbury Devon in 1856
Polish Ancestral Tourism – Wolf Hunting in Womja (Lomza) part 2. Leigh Dworkin continues with his trip in search of his ancestors
Inside this issue:- YourTrees; Polish Ancestral Trails; Around Berkshire; Can anyone get a coat of arms?
Inside this issue:- Berkshire Burials 13, Breaking through a German brick wall, Berkshire Connections, Memories of going to Reading School