Category: Talk

  • Tilehurst’s Big Houses: Dellwood, The Laurels & Kentwood

    Tilehurst’s Big Houses: Dellwood, The Laurels & Kentwood

    This is the first of three talks in the Summer Potpourri Talks Series. The other talks take place on 22nd August and 26th September. You may book tickets for individual events or for all three talks in the series for a reduced price.  In this first talk, Katie Amos, Local Studies Lead for Reading Library, will…

  • Bells and Bricks (two Wokingham Industries)

    Bells and Bricks (two Wokingham Industries)

    This is the second of three talks in the Summer Potpourri Talks Series. The other talks take place on 25th July and 26th September. You may book tickets for individual events or for all three talks in the series for a reduced price.  This talk describes two traditional Wokingham and Berkshire industries and how they changed…

  • A Potpourri of Social History Talks – Summer Series

    A Potpourri of Social History Talks – Summer Series

    This all series ticket covers all three in the Summer “Potpourri of Social History” talks series, for the discounted price of £12.50 (members £10.00). You may also book each talk individually – see each separate event page. All three talks are on Thursdays at 2pm and last about an hour. Afterwards there will be time…

  • The History of Purley’s River Estate

    The History of Purley’s River Estate

    This is the last of three talks in the Summer Potpourri Talks Series. The other talks take place on 25th July and 22nd August. You may book tickets for individual events or for all three talks in the series for a reduced price. The largest inter-war plotland site in Berkshire, Purley’s River Estate has a significant…

  • D-Day Lunch & Talk

    D-Day Lunch & Talk

    Our D-Day event begins with a fish and chips lunch and then rounds off our season of talks marking the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, with a talk by Mike Cooper on the main events of D-Day itself. “D-Day” wasn’t a single event, but many. Mike will look at the context for the landings, the planning…

  • Social History Talks – Spring Series

    Social History Talks – Spring Series

    This year the country commemorates the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings on 6 June 1944. To remember those who served in the Second World War, this quarter our Spring series is focused on the background and build-up to D-Day. It has a slightly different format to previous talk series with two rather than three…

  • The Technology of D-Day

    The Technology of D-Day

    This is the second talk in the Spring Potpourri Series. The large raid on Dieppe in August 1942 was a complete failure. However, it provided important lessons to the allies which, complemented by experiences of landings in North Africa during Operation Torch, made the D-Day Landings in 1944 a success. One of the key lessons…