World War One Army Records Workshop
Did your ancestor serve in the army in World War I?, then this workshop will help.
The majority of records for the men and women who served in the Great War 1914-1918 are now online (though not everything) but what are they and where can you find them? Have you got stuck with your research into a serviceman and need advice? We will discuss what sort of records are available from medal rolls to operational records and where they are to be found, as well as how to interpret them.
Attendees are encouraged to bring their own research questions to the session and also to share electronic copies of documents and images they would like to discuss.
Pre-booking is required because places are limited. Bookings close one day before the event.
To be able to join this online course, you will need a computer device which has speakers and a microphone. Ideally, also a webcam. You need to be able to access your emails from this device. First-time users will be asked to download a small piece of software, this will be sent to you in advance. Technical help is available for those who need further assistance, please contact
To book, scroll down.
Barbara Taylor
Barbara has been interested in the Great War for over 40 years and has been a member of the Western Front Association from virtually the beginning. She was originally the vice chairman at the East Midlands branch and has been chairman at Thames Valley for 10 years.
Barbara was a career draftswoman and this has led her to draw maps for military history books. She is also trying to build her own family tree and has learned a lot about searching for clues and information along the way!
Trevor Hancock
Trevor is a genealogist and local historian offering a research service in the UK both online and at various record offices. He has worked in library and archive services for many years.
Trevor has been involved in family and local history for many years. This started when he volunteered to record the Vale of the White Horse on behalf of the National Inventory of War Memorials from 1991-1994. Currently, Trevor is researching the lives of the World War One men commemorated in Wantage for a book for publication. He is a member of the Wiltshire Family History Society, Berkshire Family History Society and the Western Front Association.