Using a Research Methodology for Family History

Using a Research Methodology for Family History

The sources we rely on for our family histories provide information, but the analysis of that information and formulation into proof requires a structured method.

Currently there is little guidance on this for beginning and intermediate family historians, especially in the UK.

This talk discusses methodologies, what they are and why they are useful.

It introduces an effective, easy-to-follow research methodology and shows how it can be used to successfully solve complex cases.

This talk is free to members of Berkshire Family History Society and we request a donation of £5 from non-members. Pre-booking is required, because the meeting link will emailed in advance. Booking ends one day before event. 

To join in this branch meeting, you will need a computer device which has a microphone and speakers. Ideally, also a webcam. You also need to be able to access emails from this device. First time users will be asked to download a small piece of software to join the meeting.  The meeting link will be emailed to you in advance. Technical help is available for those who need further assistance, please contact .

Image: Rishabjain1810329, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Tue 24 Sep 2024


Zoom doors open 19:15
19:30 – 21:30


Windsor Branch Webinar
Windsor Branch Webinar
Zoom Video Conference


Windsor Branch – Berkshire FHS


  • Phil Isherwood
    Phil Isherwood

    Phil is a family history speaker and writer. He has worked in the software industry for over 30 years and brings a passion for best-practice methods and innovative technology to his genealogical research. He is a semi-regular contributor to Family Tree magazine, a Family History Advisor for Oxfordshire Family History Society and co-founder of Pro-Am Genies, a networking group for professional and aspiring pro genealogists.