Help, My Ancestor Has Vanished!

Help, My Ancestor Has Vanished!

One of the commonest problems faced by family historians is that ancestors suddenly vanish from the records often for no seeming reason. This thought-provoking presentation looks at why this might be so.

It discusses three main reasons:

  1. the genealogist might have made a mistake in their research;
  2. there is a problem with the records. Either the clerk made a mistake recording names or the records no longer exist;
  3. the ancestor may have genuinely gone missing, perhaps emigrating overseas or becoming a tramp. 

There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions and share experiences.

This talk is free to members of Berkshire Family History Society, and we request a donation of £5 from non-members. Pre-booking is required, because the meeting link will be emailed in advance. Booking ends one day before event.

Image: question-mark-manipulated-Damian-Navas-CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0 


Thu 26 Sep 2024


Zoom opens at 7.15pm
19:45 – 21:00




Reading Branch Webinar
Reading Branch Webinar
Zoom Video Conference


Reading Branch – Berkshire FHS


  • Simon Fowler
    Simon Fowler
    lecturer and tutor

    Over the past forty years Simon Fowler has helped thousands of people find their ancestors – and no doubt misinformed a few others in the process. He once worked at the Public Record Office and edited Family History Monthly and Ancestors magazines. Simon is now a professional researcher specialising in military history and records of central government.
    He teaches a number of courses for Pharos Tutors as well as being a regular lecturer at the Society of Genealogists.